Friday, May 2, 2014

Discipline: Cognitive Load Theory

cognitive load theory breakdown
Is an instructional theory that starts from the idea that our working memory is limited with respect to the amount of information it can hold, and the number of operations it can perform on that information. That means a learner should be encouraged to use his or her limited working memory efficiently, especially when learning a difficult task.
cognitive load theory
We need to recognize the role and the limitation of working memory to help develop quality instruction. Thus, we as instructional designers need to find ways to help optimize the working memory. Hence, the key aspect of the theory is the relation between long-term memory and working memory, and how instructional materials interact with this cognitive system.

Discipline: Content Inventory

Example of inventory
Is the process and the result of cataloging the entire contents of a site. An allied practice—a content audit—is the process of evaluating that content

Example of inventory
A content inventory typically includes all information on a site, such as web pages (html), meta elements (e.g., keywords, description, page title), images, audio and video files, and document files (e.g., .pdf, .doc, .ppt). A content inventory is a quantitative analysis of a site. It simply logs what is on a site. The content inventory will answer the question: “What is there?” and can be the start of a site review.

Discipline: Mediated Reality

Building shown on phone
Describes the concept of filtering our vision of reality.

Mediated Reality touch keypad
Reality by seeing what your are looking
at through phone.

Discipline: Page Fold

The fold in web design is the position on a web page where the majority of browsers viewing the page will begin to scroll.

Discipline: Principle of Least Effort

URL example for this principle
Concept that an entity, organization, or system tries either to change its environment to suit its needs, or to change itself to suit the demands of the environment - whichever is easier in terms of effort and cost. In other words one either resists or goes with the flow, depending on what one can put in and what it takes.

In web this could include the toolbar or url because this is how we interact through the sites or change which sites we visit.

Discipline: Rules of Play

Rules of Play example
When design a website it is essential to know what makes up a site. A .html and .css are the bases for a website design.

Discipline: Shannon & Weaver Communication Model

Model explanation
This model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication process called “Noise”. At first the model was developed to improve the Technical communication. Later it’s widely applied in the field of Communication.
The model deals with various concepts like Information source, transmitter, Noise, channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode and decode.